Frequently asked questions

When do I need to book?
As soon as possible! Some people are booking as early as 3 weeks after doing an early home pregnancy test. We book out extremely quickly so we do suggest booking with us as soon as you get a positive pregnancy test
Can I choose my doctor?
Sometimes, if you book early enough you might get the option to choose your obstetrician but otherwise you will be assigned the obstetrician that is available
How long will each appointment be?
Your booking visit will be 45 minutes and then each visit after then will be 15mins, except for your birth plan visit at 36 weeks that will be 30 mins long
Can I bring my partner or a support person and my other children?
You are more than welcome to bring your partner or a support person with you to every visit and your children are always welcome
What do I do if I need to change an appointment?
If you need to change your appointment with one of our doctors just call one our friendly receptionist and we will arrange an alternative time for you
Can I reserve a place before I am pregnant?
No, you have to had a positive pregnancy test before you can book with us