Developing your Origins birth plan

Your Origins obstetrician will help you to develop a personal birth plan between 35 and 37 weeks. It's helpful to consider your options and make some decisions about your labour and delivery well before the big day.

These are the topics you'll discuss with your obstetrician, and the reasoning behind them.

Who will be with you in labour?
You may nominate any number of support people to be with you - the birthing rooms at Auckland Hospital have ample space for them, as well as your midwife and obstetrician.
Do you have any requests for the birth environment?
Birth pools are available in some hospital rooms.  Specific preferences will be discussed here, eg personalised touches, mobility needs.
Induction of labour
Discussion around labour induction: why, when, and how labour is induced.
Positions for labour
Things you prefer, and things which you might want to avoid, in terms of your body coping with labour.
Fetal monitoring
A discussion around the methods and reasons for checking baby's heart beat during labour.
Pain management in labour
What types of pain relief will you consider? Preferences and avoidances are discussed.  Flexibility of decisions on the actual day is key.
Epidural options
An epidural procedure can be performed for you by a public or private practice anaesthetist.
Caesarean section
We will discuss caesarean births, and the reasons one might be performed.
Instrumental birth
This refers to the use of vacuum (AKA ventouse) assisted and forceps assisted birth, and information on both scenarios will be discussed.
A small controlled incision to the vaginal skin to ease birth and avoid birth injuries during crowning of the baby's head.
Immediate post-birth options
We discuss 'delayed cord clamping': what this means in practice.
Cutting the umbilical cord
Who will get the honour of cutting the cord? Support person, yourself, or the doctor?
The third stage of labour
We will discuss the evidence behind managing post-birth bleeding, suturing and aftercare.
Your placenta
Some women prefer to keep their placenta, others wish to donate it for medical research, or leave it with the hospital.
Vitamin K administration for baby
We discuss the reason for this, and prefer to obtain your consent for this ahead of time so it can be given soon after birth
We discuss the option, which is sometimes a necessity, of a paediatrician (baby doctor) being present at your birth.
Six week baby check
Your baby will need their own doctor for 6 week check-ups and vaccinations
Baby feeding plan
Breast feeding, newborn formula feeding, or both?
Postnatal stay
Discussion of your intentions to head straight home, or to spend some time at Birthcare, after your baby is born.
General advice
We will cover topics such as postnatal contraception, support networks, returning to well-woman check-ups, and care for your baby.

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Mon-Fri from 8am to 5pm.
09 630 8270


Come say hello at our clinic.
443A Mt Eden Road, Mt Eden, Auckland